General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions (Exhibitors)


impact media projects GmbH

Eckherstraße 10b

85737 Ismaning


Article 1: Subject matter of the contract and admission

(1) The subject of these GTC is a contract as an exhibitor (hereinafter referred to as the customer) at the TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS event and/or the rental of presentation space at TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS.

(2) The contract only becomes legally binding upon confirmation of the stand by impact media projects (hereinafter referred to as the organizer).

(3) Subletting to co-exhibitors is only permitted with the prior consent of the organizer. The invoice will always be issued to the main exhibitor. The main exhibitor shall be liable for any fault on the part of his co-exhibitors.

Article 2: Terms of payment and cancellation, termination

(1) The confirmation of the offer and the associated invoice, which the customer receives from impact media projects GmbH, are decisive for the conclusion of the contract.

All prices are net prices and are invoiced in euros.

(2) Invoices are sent to the customer by e-mail. Complaints about invoices must be made within a preclusive period of 14 days after receipt.

(3) Payments are due 14 days after the date stated on the invoice, unless otherwise stated.

(4) Cancellations must be made in writing. Cancellations by the customer are subject to the following cancellation fees:

If canceled by the customer from the time of booking until 1.12.: 35% of the booking price.

Cancellation by the customer after December 1: 100% of the booking price.

The costs arising from additional services booked at the time of cancellation shall also be borne by the customer.

(5) In the event of cancellation by the organizer, the customer shall be refunded 100% of the fee paid.

(6) The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected. Such a reason for termination exists in particular if the customer or the organizer breaches one of the obligations specified in this contract.

Article 3: Stand construction and presentation areas

(1) The TEST CAMP is an all-inclusive event. This means that stand construction (TRUSS Company boxes), furniture and catering are provided exclusively by or via the organizer.

(2) Own stand construction by the customer (e.g. partition walls wider than 2 meters, stand construction systems or furniture) is not permitted. This does not apply to the customer's legitimate interest in staging exhibits on the test areas. However, stand construction and catering are not permitted here either.

(3) The services and the respective prices are based on the products and services selected by the customer and the products and services booked in the Exhibitor Portal store. They are an integral part of the contract.

(4) The test areas (presentation and driving areas adjacent to the Company Box) and presentation times for customers shall be allocated by the organizer. The customer is not entitled to a specific presentation area or a specific presentation time. In particular, the organizer is entitled to change the location and dimensions of the exhibition space for safety reasons.

Article 4: Dates, set-up and dismantling

(1) Dates, set-up and dismantling information shall be published annually on the website and the exhibitor portal. They are an integral part of the contract.

(2) Dismantling must take place by 10 p.m. at the latest on the last day of the event; no material belonging to the customer may remain at the venue beyond this time. For materials that are not completely removed from the venue after 10 p.m. on the day of the event, the organizer may charge a fee of € 50 per kg weight and day for removal and storage costs.

(3) Food and beverages shall be made available by the organizer. The serving of drinks and catering at the stands is prohibited. Packaged snacks and drinks (in cans or bottles) to a lesser extent are permitted. Exceptions may be permitted in individual cases.

(4) If the customer exceeds the booked area with his set-up, the organizer is entitled to either charge an additional fee of at least € 2,000 or to demand the dismantling of the parts exceeding the booked area.

Article 5: Force majeure, cancellation

(1) In the event of force majeure that prevents the organizer from fulfilling its obligations in whole or in part, the organizer shall be released from its obligations. The organizer shall inform the customer as soon as possible.

This includes, for example: Natural disasters, war, officially ordered evacuation, closure or bans, epidemic or pandemic, terrorist attacks, water damage, termination or withdrawal as well as construction measures by Messe Dortmund, disruptions in the water or electricity supply, strikes or lockouts).

(2) In these cases, the customer will receive a full or partial refund of the rental and/or admission fees already paid, insofar as the service paid for has not yet been provided at the time of the event. There shall be no further claims for reimbursement or compensation unless the organizer is responsible for intent or gross negligence.

(3) If an ongoing event has to be canceled for reasons beyond the control of the organizer, withdrawal from the contract or the assertion of a claim for damages is excluded.

(4) The organizer reserves the right to postpone, change or cancel the event or individual elements of the event at short notice.

The customer has no right to withdraw from the contract in the event of postponement or change of location. Claims for damages do not exist.

Article 6: Obligations of the customer

(1) The customer is obliged to supply the company logo in a printable vector format (EPS or similar). This may be used by the organizer for advertising purposes without restriction.

(2) The customer is obliged to complete and update the "profile" and "publications" on the exhibitor portal

(3) If the customer has booked an appearance as a speaker on stage as part of the package, the customer must provide the name and a printable photo (min. 1MB) of the speaker by e-mail at least three weeks before the event. If a presentation is required as part of the appearance, this must be delivered by e-mail in 16:9 format as a PDF or PowerPoint file at least 10 days before the event. It is not possible to use your own laptop for presentations. If this deadline is not met, either the speaker's appearance will be canceled or a late fee of € 850.00 will be charged.

(4) The presentations given by the customer may not violate applicable law. The customer shall also ensure that the content of the materials published by him does not violate copyrights, trademark rights or other property rights, competition rights or general personal rights of third parties.

(5) The customer shall indemnify TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS upon first request against all damages and claims of third parties based on a breach of the aforementioned obligations of the customer. This does not apply if the customer is not responsible for the occurrence of such damages and/or claims.

Article 7: Limitation of liability/compensation for damages

(1) With the exception of damages resulting from injury to life, limb and health, the organizer shall only be liable for damages insofar as these have been caused by intent or gross negligence or by breach of a material contractual obligation by the organizer, its employees or its vicarious agents. This also applies to damages resulting from the breach of obligations during contract negotiations and from tortious acts. Any further liability for damages is excluded.

(2) Services not included in the offer are insurance for rental equipment and stands as well as exhibits supplied by the customer. We recommend taking out appropriate insurance.

(3) Except in the case of liability for intentional or grossly negligent conduct, breach of a cardinal obligation or injury to life, body and health by the organizer, its employees or its vicarious agents, liability shall be limited to the damages typically foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and to the amount of the average damage typical for the contract. This also applies to indirect damages, in particular loss of profit.

(4) Complaints due to any material defects of the stand or the exhibition space must be reported to the organizer immediately, but no later than on the last set-up day. Later complaints cannot be considered and will not lead to any claims against the organizer.

Article 8: Data protection

(1) The organizer shall use the data provided by the customer (e.g. title, name, e-mail, company, function, address) in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act.

(2) The customer's personal data shall be used to carry out the event and to process the contracts concluded between the parties.

(3) The organizer shall make the participant data available to the customer unless the participants have objected. The organizer assumes no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the names of the participants.

(4) The customer undertakes to use the data on event participants received in connection with TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS exclusively for its own purposes and, in particular, not to sell or otherwise pass them on to third parties.

(5) The customer agrees irrevocably and free of charge for all media that the organizer or third parties commissioned by it are entitled to create and edit recordings of any kind of persons and objects within the framework of the trade fair and to reproduce, send or use them for communication in print and online as well as TV without restriction in terms of time and place.

(6) Should further information or the deletion of the customer's data be required, support is available at the e-mail address

Article 9: Final provisions

(1) German law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

(2) Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or contradict the statutory provisions, the contract shall remain otherwise unaffected. In this case, the invalid provision shall be replaced by another valid provision that is economically and legally equivalent to the invalid provision. The same applies to the closing of a contractual loophole.

Ismaning, 11.6.2024

General Terms and Conditions (Visitors)

§ 1 Scope of application

(1) The General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of every contract between impact media projects GmbH, Eckherstraße 10b, 85737 Ismaning (hereinafter: Provider) and the visitor of TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS. (hereinafter: Visitor).
(2) The Provider shall provide its services exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions.
(3) The validity of these General Terms and Conditions extends to all services offered by the Provider on this website. By using the services of the Provider, the Visitor accepts these General Terms and Conditions as binding for him.

§ 2 Subject matter of the contract

(1) The subject of the contract is the visit to TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS.
(2) The visit is subject to a fee. Various ticket categories are offered.
(3) The tickets for visiting the TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS are transferable. The organizer offers a service at that can change the name of a ticket once up to a maximum of three weeks before the event.

§ 3 Conclusion of contract

(1) The presentation of the provider's services, in particular in brochures, advertisements and on the Internet, does not constitute a binding offer, but merely an invitation to submit an offer.
(2) The contract between the provider and the visitor is concluded when the visitor registers on this website and confirms this by the provider.

§ 4 Limitation of liability / Exemption from liability

(1) The provider shall only be liable for damages other than those resulting from injury to life, body and health insofar as these are based on intentional or grossly negligent action or on culpable breach of a material contractual obligation by the provider, its employees or its vicarious agents. This also applies to damages arising from the breach of obligations during contract negotiations and from the performance of unauthorized acts. Any further liability for damages is excluded.
(2) Except in the case of intentional or grossly negligent behavior, the breach of a cardinal obligation or injury to life, limb and health by the provider, its employees or its vicarious agents, liability is limited to the damages typically foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and otherwise to the amount of average damages typical for the contract. This also applies to indirect damages, in particular loss of profit.

§ 5 Data protection

(1) The provider shall use the data provided by the visitor (e.g. title, name, e-mail address) in accordance with the provisions of German data protection law.
(2) The visitor's personal data may be passed on to the exhibitors. The visitor consents to being contacted by the exhibitors. The visitor has the right to revoke this consent at any time at
(3) Once the contract has been fully processed, the visitor's data, which must be retained for legal reasons, will be blocked. This data is no longer available for further use. Otherwise, the personal data will be deleted unless the visitor has expressly consented to further processing and use of their data.
(4) If further information is required or the deletion of the visitor's data is desired, support is available at the e-mail address
(5) By attending the event, the participant agrees that the organizer may also use pictures and videos of him/her for advertising purposes.

§ 6 Duration of the contract

(1) The contract is concluded for the duration of TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS.
(2) The authorization to visit TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS expires if the visitor withdraws his declaration of consent to these terms and conditions.

§ 7 Changes

(1) TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTICS reserves the right to postpone, change or cancel the entire event or individual parts of it at short notice. If the event is canceled for important reasons, the visitor will receive a full refund of the participation fee. There are no claims for damages unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of TEST CAMP INTRALOGISTIC. A postponement of the event does not entitle the customer to cancel.

§ 8 Final provisions

(1) German law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Mandatory provisions of the country in which the customer has his habitual residence shall remain unaffected.
(2) Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or contradict the statutory provisions, this shall not affect the remainder of the contract. In this case, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic and legal purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to closing a loophole in the contract.

§ 9 Terms of delivery

Delivery and shipping costs: Shipping by email is free of charge.

Ismaning, 11.6.2024